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The Indexed Stratedy 


Contrary to traditional wisdom qualified plans aren't always the best retirement vehicles.  In fact there are some that would argue that they're not at all.  


If you were going to plant a corn field and expected a 100 fold harvest, would it make more sense to pay taxes on the seed or the crop?  Assuming the same tax rate you pay 100 times more in taxes on the crop.  For that privilege your money is tied up until 59 1/2 and if you need to access it you'll pay the taxes and a 10% penalty.  The best part of a qualified plan is if your employer gives you a 100% match.   Having said that, It still isn't the best way to accumulate spendable cash for retirement.  


What I am getting at is the 4% rule.  How much money can you pull out of your retirement account without running the risk of out living your money?  Most financial advisors would say 4%-5% at most!










If we could show you a way to save money for your retirement that is risk free, grows tax deferred and is withdrawn tax free, gets a good rate of return and is 100% liquid anytime with no penalties, would we have anything to talk about? 


The Indexed strategy does all of the above and on top of that you will be able to draw down 10%-12% of your money in retirement and still NOT outlive your money! 

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